CKMA provides you clean water in Malaysia. Ask us about water purifiers / water softneres rental and sales.

  • Water quality in Malaysia

Whereas sanitary condition in Malaysia is relatively good among Southeast Asia countries, the tap water is still not suitable to drink. It is filtered at the water purification plants but passes through old water pipes before arriving at households for domestic use. Thus, it may smell, look rusty or even appear murky.

When used for laundry, the tap water may turn white shirts yellow and also the water's high hardness level may cause a skin rash or rough hair.

To overcome such water troubles, we provide water purifiers with our reverse osmosis system that can remove at least 95-98% of the impurities in the tap water, such as arsenic and nitric acid. The purified water is safe to drink.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.

Please try our water purifier.
We will provide you the best service in Malaysia.
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